Free Petite Anglaise !

Getting out of my web lethargy because something pisses me off. Again.

Another sad and unfair example of the irrational reaction and fear from people who have no idea about what the internet is. Another stupid reaction from some random employer (this time Dixon Wilson Accountants) who discovers that an employee writes a blog, and fires him or her, instead of trying to find out that maybe this blog shows some talent, humor, creativity, intelligence and sensitivity. Qualities generally needed and appreciated in the workforce. Petite Anglaise have them all. She writes about her life as a single mother and the cultural discoveries as an english woman living in Paris, raising a bilingual child. As a french living in an english-speaking country, I can relate a bit to some of her experiences. Her blog is not only very popular, it is also delightful, interesting, subtle, fun, most of the time very touching, and she has a beautiful writing style. For that she was fired. She is apparently fighting back in labor court. I hope she will win, and I wish french blogger-lawyers Maitre Eolas or Veuve Tarquine would be her lawyers, and I would gladly pay a part of the fees to help them.

A bit more info at Padawan's, a specialist of business blogs, in french and english. Also the point of view of Petite Anglaise herself in The Guardian.

Damn, I hate this stuff. I hate when people are punished for not being robots. For being bright. For being humans. For being talented and creative.

[Scoop : Eolas has the letter the employer sent to Petite Anglaise to fire her, and he comments on it. Nice catch.]

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